
of Historical Studies Tommaso Crudeli

The Institute of Historical Studies Tommaso Crudeli promotes the memory of Tommaso Crudeli (1702 – 1745), his work and the judicial event he lived. The I.S.S.T.C. is also promoter of several activities about human rights related to freedom of thought, speech and expression.

In the following web-pages you can find something interesting about Tommaso Crudeli, aswell as about the activities of our Institute.

This Institute, within its study and research activity, has begun to collect every kind of materials and references about the biography, bibliography and criticism concerning Tommaso Crudeli, his life, history and literary production. With such aim, an informatic data-base for archiving and managing information on the topic has been established.

Those who send any material will be recorded in the web page. They will also be given recent publications on TC in acknowledgment of their collaboration. The Institute intends to keep the collection permanent.

The Responsable of the Institute
Raoul C. Tommasi Crudeli

Florence – Udine, 15th august 1997



As till now the whole list of studies and references on Tommaso Crudeli is not known in its entirety yet, this Institute is grateful to everybody who can send any information, publication and material, in italian or other language, especially if issued before 1989, on Tommaso Crudeli. The updated informative nucleus can also allow the elaboration of degree and doctorate thesis.


Please send mail, publications and every material to:

33100 Udine – Italy